Acest site este cofinanţat din Fondul Social European prin Programul Operaţional Sectorial Dezvoltarea Resurselor Umane 2007-2013.


Haszmann Pál Museum

One of the community’s attraction is the Haszmann Pál Museum, which was named in 1999 after its founder Haszmann Pál. The institution was established in the hall and in the park of Damokos György. The establishment was built in the 17th – 19th century, and gained its neoclassical exterior in 1831. Between 1950 and 1970 it was basically abandoned and the building lived “without an owner”, when the local and national leaders appointed that the building should be renovated and used as a museum. The more than two hectare area was perfect to establish a skanzen. The museum was opened on 25th of February 1973 and it is home to a serious variety of exposition.

Ika Fortress

The Fortress was established in the XIIIth Century and it was placed on Várbérc, between the Nagy and Ika Creaks. In the early days, this crag was crowned with a 200 m long and 10 meter wide fortress wall, at the end of which stood two round shape towers. Today only one of the towers remained and also the fortress wall was perished. Various legends are linked to the fortress and to its construction. The tradition still lives among the millers living around the fortress, which says that beneath the towers, in the cellars the treasures are in tubs, and these treasures are protected by two angry cocks – one red and one black – and when one of them is sleeping, the other is awake. If somebody approaches the cellar door, the guard cock starts crowing and the steel door closes immediately.

Fortified Reformed Church

In the 16th – 17th Centuries, the fortified church was one of the important points of our region. It survived the siege of the Turks in 1658 and 1661. Between 1680 and 1700 the Church was completely rebuilt. In 1830 again it was modified. Its tower is 66 meters high and it was the highest in Háromszék. In the fire of 1836 the church was burnt. In 1904 it was renovated, the tower that stands today dates back from 1836, this was the year when the walls were shortened and its height is what is today. In the Church you can find a stone pulpit from the late renaissance period of 1700, which was made by Bernáld János. On the south western surface of the church’s nave, under the rendering layer, dimly you can see a portion of Saint Laszló’s fresco. Under the floor level there is the domed Damokos-Charnel house and the funeral place of other wealthy families. In the 1780’s the community stopped the burials in the Charnel house beneath the church and appointed the cemetery for burials that exists today. The altar that bears the Damokos-crest was made in 1904. The shape of today’s church dates back in the 1799-1800, the organ was designed in 1872 by Kolonics István organ artist and builder from Târgu Secuiesc. Above the entry of the church a marvel plaque was placed in honor of the millennium.

Reformed Church from Felsőcsernáton (Cernatul de Sus)

According to tradition the locality from the foothills of Ika Fortress was considered as a place of pilgrimage before the reformation process and also legends talk about a miracle spring where believers went. Someday here it was a church, which is justified by the names of the localities - Szentkereszt (Saint Cross), Szenthomlok (Saint Front), Remete (Hermit), Churchside. During the archeological researches carried out in 1973 the walls from the based of the church were discovered, also the stone altar and the stone fence relevant for fortification, the floors were made out of bricks from the beginning of the middle ages and ceramics belonging to that era. The reformed church has 620 seats, its organ has 6 registers, and the vessels on the Lord’s Table are new except the plummet pots, which are from 1747 and 1815. The Baptist community in Cernatul de Sus has tabernacle.

Malom Spa (Mill Spa)

Mill Spa can be found on the foothills of Ika Fortress. The pool is filled up with sweet water from the Great Creak (Nagypatak) and it was renovated through the activities of voluntary workers from Szekler land. This pool offers the possibility for the youth in the area to have fun and to relax.

Csókás Spa

It is located in the forest North of Felsőcsernáton (Cernatul de Sus), in the valley of the Great Creak (Nagypatak), at 2-3 km from the Ika Fortress. In the period between the two World Wars also a Spa with the dimensions of 10 x 4 m was functioning under the name of Csókás Spa. The place was renovated due to the voluntary activities of the people from Szekler Land in the summer of 2012. The water of the spring is used since the beginnings to treat joint diseases, problems of the musculoskeletal and vascular system. It is especially recommended for those who are suffering from back pain. As a drinking water treatment it is recommended for gastric problems, for urinary diseases, acid based kidney stones, diseases of the liver and gall and last but not least it is really good for treating hangover.